the new sweet groove

hey, i’m geno! i’m an 19 year old college student just trying to get by. my pronouns are he/him and they/them!

i consider myself a nice person, and i have a bunch of friends that i care about a lot. if you’d like to be friends, just message me! just know i have a hard time starting conversations. i’m also a system host, so sometimes i disappear for a few days. it’s not personal though!

you have a few choices here!

click the heart for my interests, the globe for my kins, and the star for my byf.

valentine (themagnusinstitute) is the closest thing i’d consider to a homestuck moirail. we keep each other in check really well and he’s also just a funky dude! he’s also luther ivory coded.

lio (hilitunes) is my qpp! he’s the xiao to my venti, and he is my little pogchamp whether he likes it or not. when the best friend is sus!

jack is a wonderful friend and I hate all of his usernames with a burning passion. he does a lot of weird things but he is also one of the most sensible people i know and i couldn’t be more grateful for him.

other than those listed here, my main friends are in the centiskorch chat and godkillers chat! besides that, i consider myself friends with a lot of my other mutuals. i’m always open for more!

click the phone to go back!

my biggest special interests are animation, rhythm games and voice synthesizers. though my interests switch often, things in these categories will almost always interest me! i’ve been a fan of these my whole life so if you ever have questions just come to me!

other than my special interests, i’m currently very into ranfren and homestuck. on a more casual level, i’m interested in visual novels, idol games, the ace attorney series, internet mysteries, args/unfiction and evangelion.

as for hobbies, i’m an artist and video editor! you can see my edits on @fool.bright.

click the plane to go back!

art by tomatograter on tumblr / twitter / insta!

i don’t kin that strongly anymore, but bobby fulbright and jake english are my biggest kins. if you kin either, please don’t request. exceptions can be made, but this is for my own comfort! you are still valid.

my other important kins are luther ivory, sebastian de tomato smith chicken legs, june egbert, venti, emma woods and makoto yuuki. i have more unlisted, so ask if you’re curious. doubles are lovely for all!

click the music note to go back!

besides the typical “don’t follow if” criteria, please don’t follow me if you post evillious chronicles, ouran, or legend of korra often. i tend to follow back and these things have bad associations for me.

other than that, please don’t interact if you’re a proshipper / “anti-anti”, an endogenic system, make fun of unconvential triggers, or romanticize mental illness in any way. also, if you prioritize kinning over relationships, we might not get along.

the password isn’t mandatory, but send your eye color to let me know you read this!

before following, please remember that i’m 19. if you’re younger than 16 or older than 23, i’ll probably decline for safety reasons.